Thursday, August 30, 2007

First Post

Name: Lucero Carmona
Year: Junior
Major: Mathematical Sciences B.S.
Minors: Computer Science and Art History

Previous Math Courses:
Math242 - Calculus II
Math243 - Calculus III
Math210 - Discrete Math
Math245 - Proof
Math268 - Perspectives on Mathematics
Math302 - Differential Equations
Math349 - Linear Algebra

Weakest Part of Background:
I think my weakest part of my math background is probability.

Strongest Part of Background:
My strongest part is probably ordinary differential equations.

Purpose of Taking Course:
I'm taking this course because its part of the major requirement. I'm also really interested in programming in MatLab and learning more about algorithms.

Special Thoughts:
I really look foward in learning more about algorithms and just some general programming on MatLab.

Other Interests:
I'm also interested in programming and art.

Worst Math Teacher's Action:
I just really couldn't understand what the professor was talking about. He had a heavy accent and I just couldn't follow what was going on.

Best Math Teacher's Action:
The professor just explained concepts really well and had amazing notes that were very useful.

Additional Comments:
Nothing yet!

1 comment:

Kyle said...

I found your blog.